Oh Lord, you died for our sin and took our shame. I invite you to empower me with the spirit of soul winning. Help me to live for Jesus Christ.
First Bible Meditation
Mark 1:16-18
As Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. 17 “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” 18 At once they left their nets and followed him.
To be kept by God’s word- John 17:14
The person who wants to win souls must be kept, nourished, equipped and filled with the word of God- Psalm 119:47-50, 2 Tim 2:15. To be a good soul winner you must know the main message or good news in God’s word; it is all about Jesus Christ- John 14:6. When you have this word, the world will be in enmity with you- John 17:14. The word will keep you from evil and the evil one- John 17:15. The word will sanctify you (purify, consecrate and separate you)- John 17:17
The need for the Holy Spirit – Acts 1:8, John 16:7-13
Nobody can be born of God or born again without the Holy Spirit so even to live according to the ways of Jesus Christ; it can only be achieved by the help of the Holy Spirit. In other words, no soul winning without the Holy Spirit involved. To be a good soul winner, you need a continuous revelation of Jesus Christ (His word, life and authority) and this can only be done through the Holy Spirit- John 16:15. A soul winner needs to pray well- Romans 8:26.
By faith, lay your hands upon the maps of the world and your city and pray for their salvation for one week.
1) Holy Spirit, baptize me with fire to reach out to the lost souls in Jesus name
2) May signs and wonders follow me as I reach out to the perishing souls in Jesus name
1Cor 9-10, Gen 48-50, 1 Sam 11-15, Psa 36-38, Job 25-26, Jer 1-6, Mark 5-6
For prayers, counseling and testimonies, contact :
Pastor Nnaemeka and Purity Durueke.
Phone: +2347033662317, +2347036690087